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  • Writer's pictureAniela Codita - Style Coach™

The Year of My Becoming

The whole life is a time of becoming. It's made of periods of happiness that alternate with periods of grief. It's a sequence of moments of joy and moments of sadness. As we live each of them, we often tend to think that it is the final one and that the emotion it brings is permanent, forgetting that change is the only constant.

We often fear change and we sometimes look forward to it. What we frequently forget is that change helps us grow. Looking back at all the longer periods and the shorter moments we have lived, we realize that they all have actually happened very fast and the change they've brought is stupendous. What is more, we came wiser, stronger or somehow better on the other side. We got ready for the next chapter.

Looking back and connecting the dots, I can easily see how my whole life was a time of becoming. I studied so that I could find a good job, I worked so that I could travel, I travelled so that I could discover the beauty of other cultures and meet new people, and so on.

However, this process of becoming has been more obvious in the past year. This is why I consider 2022 the year of my becoming. A lot has happened in just a few months. I received Italian citizenship, I got my Style Coachingcertification and I had my baby girl.

I feel that each of these milestones has changed me at a different level. Firstly, the Italian citizenship has changed me from a human point of view. Even though it didn't actually bring any visible or tangible change in my life, it made me feel more confident in my interactions since it gave me the sense of being equal to most of the people with whom I come into contact.

Secondly, the Style Coaching certification gave me more confidence professionally and made me feel that I have reached a higher level of proficiency that allows me to better serve my clients. On the other hand, I feel that my pregnancy has changed me on so many other levels, the spiritual one included. It has also gave me the chance to get to know myself better, to expand my limits, to alter my lifestyle and to embrace a new perspective. It was probably the most important change I have ever experienced.

2022 has been an intense year; a turning point. However, I want to emphasize the fact that it didn't all happen overnight. On the contrary, it actually took me the whole life to get here ready to receive and to properly enjoy all of these experiences. I moved to Italy nine years ago and applied for the citizenship in 2018 before receiving it. I have taken a number of personal image and life coaching trainings in the past five years before enrolling in such a complex one. I had dreamed of my life as a mother and read countless books and articles on this topic before actually becoming one. It didn't all happen overnight. It actually took me years to get to this point. Every step I took in this direction was like a brick that I added to a wall and I ended up with a quite nice house after a number of years.

We should never underestimate the power of small steps, passion and dedication. One thing is sure: once you know what you want and decide to work towards it, you only need to be consistent and have faith and things will work out for the better, whether it takes days, weeks, months or years. There's no rush. Life isn't a race. Life is a journey of becoming. Enjoy yours, see where it takes you and make the most of it!

During my pregnancy, I came to understand how important it was for a future mom to focus on her body and honour her new needs while staying true to her personal style. I felt lucky to be able to cater to my own needs and I wanted to empower other women to do the same, so I created a new Style Coaching package. Maternity Style is a style and transformation coaching program designed to support future moms during their pregnancy so that they can experience self-love and joy while expressing their femininity and easily managing their personal image and wardrobe during such a physically and psychologically challenging period. You can learn more about it by visiting this page.


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