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  • Writer's pictureAniela Codita - Style Coach™

The way you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you

With all the changes that took place in the past few years, anything is possible and a lot easier than it used to be. The good news is that digital tools allow high-quality materials and services to be delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner. Online communication helps us all to save time and energy. We are able to access online style resources literally anytime and to keep in touch constantly, no matter our geographic position, social distancing or other obstacles that used to stay in our way.

Despite all these improved conditions, a lot of people still feel powerless. Even though they know they can find support in the form of professional materials and consultations, they keep repeating themselves that that's not for them, be it because they are too busy to care about their image or because they don't deserve the time and money they would need to invest.

The fact is, the more engaged you feel, the more you need your image to support you in achieving your goals and your wardrobe to be effectively organized and to help you save time. And if you think you don't deserve the time and money to invest in your personal image, I have to tell you that your reasoning is already a strong reason for you to do just that. Because once you start investing in and improving your image, you almost instantaneously start feeling more confident, self-worthy and empowered to set your own intentions and to go for your goals in every area of your life.

It's all about mindset, overcoming indecision, autopilot and being stuck. As soon as you get these right, the rest comes naturally. You might've already heard the idea of putting the oxygen mask on first or the typical piece of advice that says that you should fill your own cup. They both mean that, in order for you to be able to help others, you should first help yourself.

You can't save your children or spouse or parents if you faint on a crashing plane just like you won't have the energy to do the important things if you don't get some rest, and keep yourself fit, healthy and happy. You can't expect other people to fill your own cup. It has to be you. And you can do that by taking care of yourself, your health, and your happiness.

You need to stop putting your own needs on hold, thinking that you're helping your loved ones this way. On the contrary, seeing you unhappy and exhausted only makes them feel guilty and sets a bad example for everyone around you. "The way you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you." I've read this phrase somewhere recently and it really made me think. It's true.

So, stop hesitating! Make that decision to treat yourself right and go for everything you want.

a) Your personal image and style are a great starting point and mindfully managing that will add so much to your efforts in reaching your personal and professional goals.

b) Life is short and no one has ever regretted having taken care of themselves. Quiet that little voice inside your head that tells you that you're worthless, you can't make it or any other similar mean things. It lies! Why don't you start turning it into a supportive friend that accompanies you everywhere? Can you at least imagine how powerful that would be? All that negativity turned into compassion, drive and support.

Start talking to yourself as if you would to your best friend. You are your best friend, after all. You're the only one who's always been there for you. So why not turn your own company into a pleasant and motivating presence?


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