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  • Writer's pictureAniela Codita - Style Coach™

5 Lessons I've Learned in Lockdown + Hot Right Now: DIY Fifty-Fifty Necklaces

Updated: May 21, 2021

With all that time spent indoors, even the less introspective of us ended up rethinking their priorities and even analyzing some things we used to take for granted before the lockdown.

Here are five random thoughts that hit me:

1. Online shopping is safer than traditional shopping in so many ways.

No virus, no traffic and, most importantly, no pretty shop windows to temp you into buying things you'll never wear. Seriously now, brick-and-mortar stores and boutiques have had a hard time during these past months. As if staying inside for months in a row was not enough, the reopening was very different from what we expected. Wearing gloves and face masks and waiting in line for a casual shopping session is not exactly a fun way to spend time with friends. And as much as I appreciated the intimate atmosphere, the extra attention of shop owners towards clients and the unique products one can find in small shops, my interest in online shopping has grown significantly in the past few years. Not to speak of online services that are so much faster, effective and time-saving. Online trainings are my favorites! 2. We all need clothes to cover our bodies in any circumstances, pandemics included.

And given that you need to purchase new clothes anyway, why not getting some that actually flatter you? While classic and basic styles serve most of the silhouettes and neutral and universal colors look good on everyone, purchasing some terrific garments that enhance your silhouette and make you feel good in your own skin is surely worth it. Of course, lifestyle is a significant factor. For instance, buying twelve-centimeter high stilettos doesn't really make sense when you can only go out for groceries but a pair of sleek flats or low- to medium-heel shoes that flatter your silhouette are practical and put you in a good mood. The Coronavirus pandemic has surely changed our habits and planning ahead can make the transition towards a more casual wardrobe smoother. 3. What we wear and the way we look while staying inside is as important as how we look when we go out.

During the lockdown, loungewear seemed to define our personal style. As much as we might have loved it at the beginning, it started to ruin our mood after a few weeks. Maybe an improved look, some makeup or just a simple accessory you used to wear only when you went out was not such a bad idea, after all. And nobody keeps you from wearing that extra at home even now, when you can also go out. Why not elevate your stay-at-home look for a change?

4. Planning our purchases is actually fun (when done with the right people).

It saves time and money and it helps you to avoid clutter. Proactivity is something I've always loved and appreciated. But when you buy more than necessary it ends up by suffocating you. Balance is key. And I feel the lockdown was a great opportunity for all of us to reevaluate our priorities and truly understand what truly makes us happy. Who would have thought that blue light blocking eyewear could make me happier than a new bag? 5. Sustainability is not only desirable but it can also be fun.

The most sustainable clothes are the ones you already own. Same are the accessories and anything else you use on a daily basis. Now that this trend has taken over more seriously than ever, it doesn't mean you have to empty your wardrobe and start fresh with sustainable clothes. Of course purchasing such clothing items helps but not purchasing anything at all and simply using your creativity to repurpose old things is way better. Both for the planet and for your wallet. And, believe it or not, even for your spirit. For instance, I had a lot of fun making a fashionable fifty-fifty necklace from two old bead necklaces I hadn't worn in years. Yes, it's one of the hottest summer 2020 fashion trends (as MiuMiu taught us) and it costs... nothing!

Learn how to make your own fifty-fifty necklace with this step-by-step tutorial:

…find more inspiration or buy one already made for you here:

Will you make your own trendy necklace or will you go with a ready-made one?

Given that this was a more personal post, I'd love it if you could share some of the thoughts and ideas that struck you during the lockdown and how you have been handling this unusual situation. Is there anything I can do for you?

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